SharpNEAT Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Last updated: December 2012

1. What is SharpNEAT

SharpNEAT provides an implementation of an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) with the specific goal of evolving neural networks. The EA uses the evolutionary mechanisms of mutation, recombination, and selection to search for neural networks with behaviour that satisfies some formally defined problem. Example problems might be how to control the limbs of a simple biped or quadruped to make it walk, how to control a rocket to maintain vertical flight, or finding a network that implements some desired digital logic (such as a multiplexer).

A notable point is that NEAT and SharpNEAT search both neural network structure (network nodes and connectivity) and connection weights (inter-node connection strength). This is distinct from algorithms such as back-propagation that generally attempt to discover good connection weights for a given structure.

SharpNEAT is a kit of parts that facilitate research into evolutionary computation, and specifically evolution of neural networks. The code as released provides a number of example problem domains that demonstrate how the various parts can be wired together to produce a complete working EA. Alternatively researchers can swap in alternative parts, such as a new/alternative genetic coding or even a new evolutionary algorithm. The provision for such rewiring was a major design goal of SharpNEAT and is facilitated by abstractions made in SharpNEAT's architecture around key concepts such as genome (genetic representation and coding) and evolutionary algorithm (mutations, recombination, selection strategy).

Motivation for the development of SharpNEAT mainly came from a broader interest in biological evolution, and more specifically curiosity on what the limits of neuro-evolution are in terms of the level of problem complexity it can produce satisfactory solutions for.

2. What is NEAT?

NEAT is Neuro-Evolution of Augmenting Topologies, a neuroevolution technique devised by Kenneth Stanley while part of the Neural Networks Research Group, University of Texas at Austin. The main NEAT website is hosted by Ken Stanley at

One of major features of NEAT is its genetic coding of networks, each node and connection is assigned an ID, this can be used to 'line-up' the structural parts of networks when performing genetic recombination. This feature of NEAT addresses the problem of how to perform meaningful genetic recombination between two network structures without having to perform computationally expensive structural matching/alignment.

Another major feature of NEAT is the use of speciation - the clustering of genomes into species, each of which exists as a partially independent sub-population that aims to partially protect its members from competition with the wider population. The motivation for this mechanism is the desire to foster genetic diversity, that is, to allow low scoring (weak) genomes to survive if they represent some degree of novelty compared to the wider population.

3. What types of problem is NEAT applicable to?

There is no definitive answer here as research into NEAT is ongoing and there have been varying degrees of success reported. Significant problem domains that I know of for which good or near-perfect solutions have been found are; Single and Double Pole Balancing, Finless Rocket Control, Prey Capture, The 3/6 and 11-Multiplexer logic problems. Note however that a significant number of problems do not have a 'perfect' solution as such, just good and bad solutions. E.g. in game playing experiments it is common to use co-evolution where fitness is evaluated by networks competing against each other, the fitness scores are therefore only indications of relative fitness not overall ability to play a game.

One very basic requirement when considering an experiment is that a fast method of evaluating fitness must be available for the problem at hand. This is so that NEAT can evaluate as many candidate networks as possible within a given time period. The more evaluations that can be performed the greater the probability of finding a good solution (all other factors being equal). E.g. if the fitness function is a simple mathematical equation, or if it involves playing a short/fast game (such as tic-tac-toe) entirely within code, then we can evaluate networks very quickly and therefore evaluate a large number of networks in a given time period. If however the fitness function requires interaction with a person or some physical system external to the CPU, then the chances are that not enough evaluations can be performed for NEAT to be successful within a reasonable amount of time. However, there may be exceptions to even this rule, if say a very simple topology is capable of solving a problem then it may be discoverable within very few evaluations.

4. What problem domains are provided with SharpNEAT as standard?

An explanation for each experiment is available within the SharpNEAT GUI, just select an experiment in the drop-down combobox and click the button marked '?'.

5. How do I perform an experimental run using one of the provided problem domains?

  1. Run the SharpNEAT GUI executable (SharpNeat.Windows.App.exe)
  2. Select an experiment in the drop-down list.
  3. Click the button marked 'Load Default Search Parameters'.
  4. Select one of the 'Initialize Population' menu options. For starters just click 'Auto Generate' and 'OK'.
  5. Click the 'Start/Continue' button.

You should now see progress information being written to the log window, there are also some extra monitor windows available via the 'Visualization' Menu.

6. What is Phased Searching?

Within the SharpNEAT Windows UI, on the 2nd tab page there is a checkbox with the label 'Enable Pruning' which is checked by default. This enables a process whereby the average complexity of genomes in the population is tracked, and if it passes some threshold then the search switches to a 'pruning' mode. In pruning mode the search continues as normal but additive mutations are disabled and deletion mutation rates are increased; this causes the average structural complexity of genomes in the population to fall but without loosing the best genomes. This can give rise to new bursts of improvement in fitness and also a speed up of the search, since more complex genomes take longer to evaluate. For a more complete explanation see the experimental write-up see - Phased Searching with NEAT: Alternating Between Complexification And Simplification.

Contact: Colin Green
SharpNEAT is a project.